Monday, July 28, 2014


I'm very proud to debut a new weekly feature: Macro Monday! Not content to be your run of the mill beer snob, I'll run a write-up on one of the widely available Macro (as opposed to Micro) beers. All the pretension of a more expensive beer at a fraction of the cost. That's the Baucom On Beer way!

This week, we're starting off strong with Yuengling Lager! Yuengling is a very distinguished beer, having the honor of not only being the oldest established brewery in the United States, but also being one of the largest by volume. There Lager is so well known in the Tri-state area that it can be obtained just by asking for a lager at a bar. It's also the favorite beer of Obama, so ya know, take that how you will. 

I cracked open a bottle of Yuengling and poured it into my brand new Pilsner glass. Immediately I'm taken aback with what a nice color it is; a charming ruby red, fading to a nice amber. It strikes me as a very dark beer for a lager, full of mysterious deliciousness topped with a thin, off-white head.

Lagers are not a specialty of mine, but Yuengling has an impressive scent to it as well. Not watery or ricey like Budweiser, but very floral, sweet with hints of peaty moss type goodness. The old joke about American Lagers being like having sex in a canoe does not apply here, thank goodness.

The taste was likewise very lovely. Some light hoppiness, mixed with some nice sweetness reminiscent of spring grass, combined with a hint of lemon and a touch of malty smoothness on the way out. A pretty robust tasting beer, but still very drinkable. It sits very light on the tongue, and goes down nice and easy.

You gotta give it up for Yuengling's Amber Lager, it's got a lot going for it; It's unique but accessible, it's refined, but versatile, it has a lot of flavor without being overpowering, but most importantly it's dirt cheap and available anywhere. You could literally stumble into a 7\11 anywhere and pick up a sixer for 7 bucks. And it's just as good with a plate of wings as it is sitting on the porch in July or Tailgating in October.

That about wraps it up for the first installment of Macro-Monday. Let me know what you guys think about it in the comments section and be sure to check in next week for another review of some good-ole-fashion Macro Beers. 

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